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Join us every night at 7pm from January 1st to January 21st, as we lift the name of Jesus up in the spirit of unity. Locations vary from day to day so please look at the schedule on this page or visit to stay up to date on locations.

“Endeavoring to keep the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace. There is ONE body and ONE spirit even as you are called in ONE hope of your calling, ONE Lord, ONE Faith, ONE Baptism, ONE God and Father of all, who is above all and through all, and in you all.”

Blount County Tennessee churches, across denominational lines are circling the wagons. Baptist, Methodist, Church of God, non-denominational, 7th Day Adventist, Lutheran, and others coming together for a common cause, the cause of Jesus Christ and the eternal salvation of chosen vessels, called out by the Spirit and Grace of Almighty God.
